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How does one apply for a PV system installation grant?


An applicant completes and submits to the Solar Star Foundation an application form along with the supporting documentation listed on that form. All requests for PV system grants must be submitted on the Foundation's application form and must include all required attachments.
Application documents should be mailed to:
Solar Star Foundation
P.O. Box 155, West Dundee, IL 60118

Where can one get an application form or ask questions?

Application forms may be downloaded and printed from the Foundation's web site:
Potential applicants also may request an application form or ask questions by email

Are grant recipients required to use specific vendors?

No. Grant recipients exercise complete control over the process of selecting vendors, contractors or consultants involved in the solar installation project. USA made solar panel is recommended.

What is the timing for grant decisions and project installation?

Grant decisions will be made in two weeks after receiving the applications. Project installation may start immediately after execution of a grant agreement.


Will all grant requests be approved?

No. This is a competitive process and a limited amount of funds are available for this program. The Foundation anticipates receiving more requests than it can accommodate. If that occurs, the Foundation may give preference to applicants in areas of the state with few existing solar PV system installations in K-12 educational facilities. Applicants that are not selected will be eligible to reapply in future years.
Selected applicants finished the installation could qualify other future programs launched by the Foundation.

© 2018 Solar Star Foundation


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